Saturday, 1 November 2014

Mom's Gourmet Food Basket in Brampton Not Delivered!?!?!?!?

I felt bad for our customer.

He's in Calgary, and ordered a gourmet food basket for delivery in Brampton. It was for his Mother's Birthday.

It wasn't a rush job. He had phoned on Thursday, for delivery in Brampton on Friday. Plenty of time to source the products, construct the basket, and get it out for delivery.

Something apparently went wrong. This is his email message this morning. Short & to the point.

"This was not delivered?"

Not good. We start to panic. Why wasn't it delivered? Was his Mom not home? Did the delivery service lose the order? I hate when this happens, so...


We get on the phone within 30 seconds of receiving his email.

The answer is pretty simple.

"Mom" forgot to call & thank him.

The basket was actually delivered between 4 & 5 o'clock yesterday, according to the delivery service.

But because he wasn't acknowledged, he assumed we screwed up.

Now how to tell him was his Mom that messed up by not saying "thank you", and not Simon Says!