A young Navy fellow had come in to buy a small bouquet of flowers and a Happy Birthday ballloon for his sweetheart.
The problem happened a couple of days later.
The fellow comes back to the shop, looking somewhat like the guy above.
"I'd like my money for the balloon back...her birthday's over now!"
So what are you supposed to do?
Tell him to forget about it?
I had to think quick on this one.
There was no way that I was going to make any money on this sale. It's not like I could re-sell the balloon, as it had already started to deflate.
But the issue was important enough that he came back to the shop. The money was obviously very important to him.
All over a $4.99 balloon.
But if I sent him away, he'd never be back.
He'd probably go back to the Navy Base and tell all his friends what a jerk I was.
I had to remember that it's the long-term relationship with customers that counts. That's what Simon Says Roses depends on to build our customer base.
So yes, I refunded his money...and yes he came back for Valentine's Day (I know he did, as I'll never forget him!)
Short term pain...long term gain...such is the life of a florist in Canada.