Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Did We Forget to Ask?

Please, I really do want your business.

There, I said it!

Did I offend anyone?

We go to mixers, meetups, and network like crazy. We volunteer with the local Chamber of Commerce and with Rotary.

We share information with anyone that's interested in the flower business through Social Media.

But it seems with all the niceties in Social Media with "liking", "linking", and "following" we've forgotten the most important thing about being in business.

We've forgotten to simply ask "please, can we do business together"?

It's not that tough, but it's something we so often forget in trying not to offend.

So please, check out my Social Media platforms and website:

"Ask, and Thou shalt receive". Conversely if we don't ask, we won't get any business.

So thanks in advance for doing business with Simon Says Roses Florists.

We sure do appreciate it!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Just Leave it at the Door!

We've heard it so many times.

Just leave the flowers at the door, somebody will be home.


But I vividly remember the elderly gentleman calling from Whitehorse wanting something sent to Grand Forks.

We were told to simply leave it at the door. Don't call first. Somebody will surely be home.

Leaving something at the door is not something a florist wants to do. After all, we're dealing with flowers which are perishable. Out of water, they die.

It's not like Canada Post or UPS that simply drop off a package.

We like making arrangements with the recipient to find out when THEY want the flowers delivered.

It's the personal touch that florists are known for.

But sometimes the sender doesn't want to ruin the surprise, so we follow instructions.

In the case of the flowers in Grand Forks?

The recipient went on a holiday for two weeks, and came home to...

The sender had no idea that she was out of the country, and neither did we.

This was not good...not good at all.

And regardless of what the sender wanted, it's a really poor reflection on the florist, don't you think?

Even though in this case, it was no fault of our own...*sigh*...

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Why Floral Holidays Suck!

So here's my rant.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day.

All major holidays.

Sure it's these special times when we florists make the most money.

But after 20 years of selling flowers in Canada, it's taking its toll.

These so-called "floral holidays" are a time when most people are surrounded by friends, family, & loved ones.

Not florists, and especially not me.

Outside of immediate family, most of my family lives either one or even two provinces away.

I never see them at Christmas or Thanksgiving, unless they come and see me. And that's rare.

Because these floral holidays are when we work the hardest.

Our customers want to celebrate, and we have to be there for them.

When everyone else is relaxing, having a great meal, and taking it easy, florists are running off their feet making flower arrangements, constructing fruit baskets, and getting delivery drivers organized.

No time off for us.

And when we're finished, we're so exhausted that we can't enjoy the holiday.

Yes, it's my choice to be a florist, but I still think floral holidays suck.

Now I can get off my soap box and get back to work...

Thursday, 4 October 2012

And the Winner of the Business Integrity Award is...


  1. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

Simon Says Roses was recently nominated for a WestShore Chamber of Commerce Community Award for Business Integrity. 

We didn't have high expectations.

Our fellow nominees were excellent candidates, operating very reputable businesses.

To be blunt, we didn't think we had a "snow balls chance in hell"!

But the award ceremonies were held last Friday night, and...

Shocked, humbled, thrilled, amazed...Dale & I felt all of these emotions & more.

To think that our flower & gift customers felt motivated to nominate us. For the Selection Committee to pick our business. To receive the award in front of over 220 fellow business people.


It certainly feels good.

It lets us know that after 20 years of business that we're still on the right path.

And for that we only have one word.
