As florists, we normally say YES to customer requests.
But there's the key word.
Valentine's Day for florists in Canada is the single busiest flower delivery day of the year.
We call it "crazy busy"...busier than Mother's Day or Christmas which are more spread out.
Valentine's Day is an 8 to 10 times normal delivery day for florists.
That means a shop that normally delivers 20 orders a day is now doing between 160 & 200 deliveries.
50 orders a day now becomes 400 to 500.
And that's where the problems begin.
Staff, delivery people, and flowers...times 10!
To meet the volume, delivery vans are on the road by 8:00 on the morning of Valentine's Day. They may get back by 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon.
Then they have to stock their vans for the late afternoon run. But sometimes we run out of flowers. Sometimes the designers simply can't create any more flower arrangements.
So if your sweetheart leaves work at 4:00 and your order wasn't in at least a day early, guess what?
We have to say NO, because we can't guarantee delivery!
Delivery request for 10:00 Delivery request for morning delivery
Delivery after 6:00 at night....maybe...if there is still a driver around and the order comes in soon enough.
Here's a few guidelines to consider for delivery times, if the order is received before Valentines' Day:
- schools will be delivered before 3:00
- businesses before 4:00
- to a a residence, before 6:00, or until the drivers are finished.
Why not have your flowers delivered the day before Valentine's Day?
Attach a card message that reads "I couldn't wait to say I love you."
Now that will leave an impression!
It shows you put some thought into it, and didn't leave it until the last minute.
And of course it will guarantee that your gift will be delivered on time!
To place your Valentine's Day flower order for delivery across Canada, check out our Valentine's roses
or call us at 1-800-705-ROSE(7673).
Happy Valentine's Day to all!